total run mileage: 73.94 miles
highest weekly run mileage: 27.52 miles
# runs: 13
# rest days: 15
highest weekly run mileage: 27.52 miles
# runs: 13
# rest days: 15
# xtraining workouts: 4
favorite run: meeting up with debi and the group for her 40-miler. it was a week after long beach and i wasn’t even sure i could do it. i felt great and was able to keep up with the speedy girls up front!
most hardcore run: the long beach ½ marathon! i had a 10-minute pr that day. it just all feel into place for me that morning and i rocked that race. i had to push harder than i ever have before. i also proved to myself that i am a racer, like on a serious peoples level.
current reads: i finally finished heart of the matter by emily giffin! it was soooo good. i got almost to the end and literally could not put it down, as with all of her books. definitely recommend it.
i also started and finished sisterhood everlasting by ann brashares the author of all the traveling pants books. i literally sat down and read it in a week actually in 3 sittings. it fast-forwards 10 years after the last book and its like we never left. omg i could not put it down, it was amazing. and i cried about 4-7 times throughout:)
current shame-inducing guilty pleasure: online shopping for my fantasy winter wardrobe. if i had an unlimited budget, oh the things i would buy…
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current obsession: pinterest! have you joined?? seriously it is addicting (ill send anyone an invite if you need!).
current drink: water, water, and more water. also gatorade to replenish all the sweat!
current song: country must be country wide by brantley gilbert. (hes pretty cute too!)
current wish-list: fall to really be here! we had a taste last week and it was glorious. we tend to go into fall for about a week then its into winter. one day i will live somewhere with 4 seasons...
current need: to start making a christmas list. i know that sounds silly! but my list is more than what i want, its things to do, buy for the apartment and others. its an extensive list haha!
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current triumph: a 10-minute pr in long beach. im gonna ride that train as long as possible:)
current bane of my existence: the crazy amount of work in my new class. my instructor is kinda mean and really picky. this class also has a discussion and paper due every week. thats a tooonnn of reading.
current goal: to not let the bug in my ear knock me off my game. the bug keeps reminding me how close vegas is and that this is going to be hard. i need to keep it at bay so i can rock this race. #6 here i come!
current indulgence: ice cream! hands down my #1. i got it back after long beach and only had a month to love on it. pizza was a very close 2nd though.
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oh, yum. |
current excitement: the holiday season is here! halloween is the official kick off of my absolute favorite time of the year.
1 comment:
Can I have an invite to pinterest? I keep hearing wonderful things about it!
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